Friday 3 April 2015

Increasing Positive Energy in Your Home

a) Rock Salt is the best for cleansing, healing, or moving any unwanted negative energies from your sacred home. When Salt is placed in a bowl in any room it will immediately begin to absorb any impurities found in the atmosphere and move the negative energies with ease.Highly recommended to add a handful in you mopping bucket.
b)Air Cleansing: Light a white Tea- candle and pass it through every room,especially in the corners where energies get stuck .While doing this you cant put out an intent that i cleanse this house with the LIGHT OF DIVINE and fill this home with Love,Light & Abundance.
You can also use Incense cones or sticks frequently.(Lavender incense is my personal favorite)
c)Harmony & Peace: By placing energized crystals like Black Tourmaline,Amethyst,Rose Quartz ,Clear quartz you can welcome positive energies in your house at all times.
Try it and you will ** INSTANTLY** feel the difference.
Jeffrina Udachia,
Tarot Card Reader